Al visitar nuestro sitio, aprenderá acerca de nuestra misión, programas y éxitos. También aprenderá formas de proteger a su empresa y a usted mismo del daño causado por los productos falsificados y el fraude. El ISC y sus empresas miembros consideran que la falsificación es una amenaza real para los mercados y consumidores globales. El ISC es una asociación comercial sin fines de lucro compuesta por fabricantes de equipos originales de suministros de imágenes consumibles (cintas, tóner, tintas, cartuchos, etc.) y equipos que se han unido para proteger a sus clientes mediante el combate de actividades ilegales en la Industria de Suministros de Imágenes.
BIENVENIDOS A Imaging Supplies Coalition
La falsificación de productos comerciales de productos con marca registrada y derechos de autor es un parásito multimillonario en los negocios internacionales.
La ley estadounidense define la falsificación como la infracción de una marca registrada. En general, significa hacer que algo parezca un artículo de marca cuando realmente no lo es. Usualmente la falsificación se asocia con la copia ilegal de moneda, documentos, música u obras de arte, pero en realidad.
Did You Know?
The Food and Drug Administration estimates that counterfeit drugs account for 10% of all drugs sold in the United States.
The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was largely financed through the sale of counterfeit goods, such as fake Nike T-shirts sold from a store on Broadway.
Counterfeiting has been linked to terrorist groups and organized crime. Among the groups linked are Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Chechen separatists, North African radical fundamentalists, and knwon terrorists groups in Kosovo and Northern Ireland.
Counterfeiting and piracy are directly responsible for the loss of more than 750,000 American Jobs. From auto workers in Michigan to computer programmers in California to factory workers in Ohio, counterfeiting and piracy affect real people and cost real jobs.
The ISC estimates that the scope of Imaging Consumables Counterfeit Activity is 3.5% to 4%. This represents a cost of over $3 billion.
Counterfeiting is a growth industry. Since 1982, the global trade in illegitimate goods has increased from $5.5 billion to approximately $600 billion annually.
Counterfeiting costs the global economy approximately $650 billion per year. Approximately 5% - 7% of the world trade is in counterfeit goods. Nearly every company in every industry is vulnerable.
Counterfeiting and Piracy cost the U.S. economy in the range of $200 - $250 billion per year.
The ISC has become a global force in the industry battle against counterfeiting and fraud.
Due to the work of the ISC and its members, hundreds of thousands of illegal products worth millions of dollars have been removed from commerce.
Drug Traffickers export their product in printer cartridges as reported in the New Straight Times on 6-14-2005.
The Federal Aviation Administration estimates that 2% of the 26 million airline parts installed each year are counterfeit, which equals approximately 520,000 parts.
Editorials and News

The Imaging Supplies Coalition has completed its 17th biannual conference on protecting Intellectual property in the imaging supplies industry. The conference was held September 12 to 14 at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. The conference was international in scope attended by a diverse group of 65 professionals from 8 countries across 4 continents.
Click HerE for more information
On Sept 12,, members of the ISC held its quarterly meeting with the Machinery CEE in conjunction with the ISC Conference in Las Vegas., NV. Discussed were methods of more effective GEO and anti-counterfeit training for CEE and port personnel. Enforcement results, targeting and analysis information were also exchanged. Feedback was also provided from the training sessions the ISC held at Louisville(UPS) and Cincinnati (DHL). freight consignment hubs. A training session is also scheduled for the Memphis(FEDEX) hub in late October. Both the ISC and the CBP CEE believe these quarterly meetings and port trainig sessions are quite effective in improving our joint efforts in protecting the IP Rights of our members. Armando Taboada and J. J. Perez, Directors of the Machinery CEE, were speakers at the ISC conference outlining the new CBP strategy to combat infringement..
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