ISC Programs
Since its inception in 1994, the ISC has accomplished a great deal in combating counterfeiting and fraud and has established itself as an international force in the Imaging Supplies Industry as well as a leading organization in Intellectual Property protection.
Industry Conference
The ISC conducts a biannual International Conferences on Fraud and Counterfeiting in the Imaging Supplies Industry. The ISC recently completed its 2018 conference with 65 professionals attending the conference representing 10 countries. The next ISC conference will be held in 2020.

Industry Spokesman
The ISC has made presentations at most of the major international industry conferences including: Business Products Industry Association, Business Technology Association, CAP Ventures U.S. and Japan, COMDEX, CeBIT, LYRA, ITC, ITEX, ReMax World Summit, Asian Imaging Forum, Paper World and many national and international dealer conferences. Outside the industry, presentations have been made at conferences sponsored by the International Chamber of Commerce, Reconnaissance International, the IACC, PIRA, PISEC, RIT Secure Print Conference and the American Society for Industrial Security and the National Intellectual Property Law Institute.
Please contact us if you would be interested in a presentation by the ISC at your program.
Telemarketing Fraud
The ISC was named a Partner in Consumer Education by the Federal Trade Commission and a Partner in Education by the Business Technology Association (BTA). Working with the Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau and BTA the ISC has developed and implemented a closed loop process for incident reporting and an end-user education package on avoiding telemarketing scams.
Please click here to review our information on fraud prevention.
Customs and Law Enforcement Education
In cooperation with CBP, especially the Machinery Center for Excellence and Expertise, the ISC conducts training session at ports of interest and through national webinars. Several hundred customs officers and import specialists receive this training annually. The ISC Board meets quarterly with the Machinery CEE to exchange targeting intelligence, monitor progress and problems and to develop plans for improved enforcement. This relationship is of vital importance to the ISC’s efforts
The ISC testified in support of IACC initiated legislation and was recognized as a significant contributor to the passage of The Anticounterfeiting Consumer Protection Act of 1996 by the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition (IACC). The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) presented the ISC with its Golden Shoe String award for excellence in communications on a very limited budget. In January of 1999, the Coalition was recognized with a Global Anticounterfeiting Award by Authentication News for An Outstanding Achievement by an Association. Also, in 1999 the Coalition was elected to the Association Advance America Honor Roll for two of its programs; When in Doubt... Check it Out and Anti-telemarketing Fraud Process and Education. In 2020, the ISC was awarded the Anti-counterfeiting Award by RT Media during the Asian Expo for the fifth consecutive year. The award recognizes the organization that has done the most globally to combat counterfeiting in the Imaging Supplies Industry. Several ISC board members have been recognized by industry groups with achievement and difference maker awards.
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